Bridge Across Troubled Waters


Bridge Across Troubled Waters


DIGITAL BOOK - click here for printed edition

Bridge across Troubled Waters is written to clarify a variety of misperceptions and criticisms regarding Centering Prayer. It is also written to explore the intimacy of the divine relationship we all have with God. The aim is to build a healing bridge of mutual understanding and regard across the divide that separates Christians who embrace Centering Prayer from those who doubt or oppose it.

This book is intended for all those who are curious about Centering Prayer and who may have been exposed to criticisms of the prayer, so they may learn about it from a pro-Centering-Prayer perspective and then make an informed assessment. It is also intended for doubters and critics, as an invitation to reconciliation and to considering Centering Prayer from another’s viewpoint.

Ultimately, Bridge across Troubled Waters is meant for anyone with interest in these issues and in experiencing a new view of the dynamic two-way relationship we all have with God.

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